Who do I call to report a stray or lost animal?
Call Huerfano County dispatch at 719-738-1044 and inform them of the situation. They will contact the Marshal’s office.
Who do I call to report injured or problem Wildlife?
Call the Colorado Parks and Wildlife office in Pueblo (719) 561-5300 (M-F 8am - 5pm). After hours emergency, call the Colorado State Patrol at (303) 239-4501.
If I'm remodeling or want to build a new home or other type of building, where do I go to get my questions answered and/or get a building permit?
The Building Inspector prepares Building Permits for La Veta residents and Contractors. The Inspector also performs inspections, reviews building plans, and answers questions regarding construction projects. Building Permit applications and information may be obtained at the Town Hall or here on this website. The Building Inspector office hours are Monday & Tuesday from 8-10 am. The Building Inspector can be reached at 719-742-3631.
Before applying for a building permit, please take the following information into consideration:
- A building permit must be obtained prior to the start of any work or ground disturbance within Town limits
- Contractors must have a Contractor’s License from the Town of La Veta for the current year. Plumbers and electricians are licensed by the State of Colorado. Painters must have a current Town of La Veta business license.
- Fees are due when the permit is issued and all applicable reviews are completed. No fees are due upon submittal.
- Homeowners can complete their construction work, including plumbing and electrical work. Electrical and plumbing permits are issued by the State of Colorado.
- Requirements of the La Veta Municipal Code (zoning, height restrictions, setbacks, landscaping, Historic District preservation, floodplain, etc.) apply to all building permit applications. These requirements are specified in the La Veta Municipal Code, Title 15 (Buildings & Construction), Title 17 (Subdivisions), Title 18 (Zoning), and Title 19 (Historic Preservation).
- All alterations done to properties within the Historic District require an Alterations Certificate.
I’d like to hire a contractor to perform construction or arborist work – where can I find a list of licensed contractors and/or Arborists?
A list of Contractors licensed to work in La Veta is available here.
How do I obtain a Contractor’s License?
A La Veta Contractor License is required to perform construction work within the La Veta town limits. A Contractor License is good for one calendar year. The contractor must complete the application (available here), and provide proof of insurance and licensure. The specific requirements are listed on the application.
What section of La Veta’s Municipal Code pertains to Business and License Regulations?
Title 5 - Business Taxes, Licenses & Regulations
I would like to start a new business located in La Veta; do I need to register with your Town?
Firms engaged in business within the Town of La Veta are required to obtain a Business License annually. The fee is $25. The application is available here. Contractors and Arborists do not have to get a business license, as they are required to obtain a Contractor’s License instead. A new business may also require a Sales and Use Tax License. This is handled at the state level – visit the Colorado Department of Revenue website for further details.
A Commercial Development Permit is required for a new business that plans to operate in the Commercial district of La Veta. The application is available here.
We are a not-for-profit business that engages retail sales in your Town. Do we need a license if we locate in La Veta?
A La Veta Business license is required; the application is available here. A not-for-profit business is liable for the collection and submission of the sales tax paid by the customer purchasing the product provided by a not-for-profit business, so a Colorado Sales and Use Tax license is required. Visit the Colorado Department of Revenue website for further details.
What is required to operate a home-based business?
The types of business that are allowed in residential zones are specified in the La Veta Municipal Code Title 18 (Zoning). If the business is permissible, then a Special Use Permit for a home occupation business is required for a new business that plans to operate from a residence. The application must be submitted with proof of ownership of the residence; or if the property is leased to the business operator, then the application should have a copy of the current valid lease for the property that specifies that the property can be used for the intended business. The application will be reviewed by the Town Board, who will then schedule a public hearing. The business owner will be required to post a sign at the prospective business site informing the public of the proposed commercial use of the property. The citizens of La Veta can raise any concerns they may have about the commercial use of the residence during the public hearing. There is a $50 non-refundable fee to submit the application which is available here on this website. The business owner is also required to get a La Veta business license, and is subject to the Colorado Sales and Use Tax license requirements.
I would like to offer Arborist services in La Veta, what type of License is required?
You will need an Arborist License issued by the Town of La Veta. The fee is $75 annually, and the application is available here.
What is the Sales Tax rate in La Veta?
The current effective sales tax rate in La Veta is 9.4%. This rate is comprised of 2.9% for Colorado, 3.0% for Huerfano County, and 3.5% for the Town of La Veta. The La Veta sales tax revenues benefit the Francisco Fort museum and the Streets and Sidewalks fund.
What county is the Town of La Veta in?
Huerfano County
What is the population of the Town of La Veta?
The latest population estimate for La Veta by the US Census is 811. This number can vary significantly in the summer months as we have a significant number of seasonal visitors.
What Zip Code serve the Town of La Veta?
81055 is the zip code for the Town of La Veta, as well as Cuchara and portions of unincorporated Huerfano County.
What US Congressional District is La Veta in?
La Veta is in the 3rd Congressional District. The district takes in most of the rural Western Slope in the state's western third, with a tendril in the south taking in the southern portions of the Eastern Plains.
What Colorado Congressional Districts is La Veta in?
La Veta is in Senate District 35, and House District 62
I’d like to work for the Town of La Veta – are you hiring?
The Town of La Veta lists open positions on this website in the News and Notices section, our Facebook page, as well as advertising in the Huerfano World Journal.
Where can I obtain an application for employment with the Town of La Veta?
The Town of La Veta has paper applications available at Town Hall, and they can be downloaded from our website here.
What is the process once an application is submitted?
After a position closes, the Human Resources Department reviews applications for minimum qualifications. These applications are forwarded to the hiring authority of the position who will determine which applicants best meet the Town’s needs. These candidates will then be contacted to participate in the evaluation process.
Where can I go for general employment assistance?
The Colorado Department of Labor and Employment has information available on its website regarding unemployment insurance, workers' compensation, labor law inquiries, and more. The Department can be reached by phone at 303-318-8000.
What is the La Veta Historic District?
Thousands of communities across the country promote historic preservation to improve neighborhood livability, quality of life, and to minimize negative impacts on the environment. Many property owners are attracted to the adaptability and quality of construction in historic structures. Preservation is a strong mechanism for neighborhood stabilization and enhancement to property values.
The purpose of the historic preservation program in La Veta is to create a reasonable balance between private property rights and the public interest. Properties that achieve designation of a historic landmark represent our shared historic and cultural heritage, and these places play a key role in defining our local character. Neighborhood residents and the Historic Preservation Committee (HPC) work collaboratively to produce a cooperative system of dialogue and clarification of values. Homes in this district are potentially eligible for financial incentives - such as preservation tax credits - and technical assistance for how to adapt the property to a new and ongoing uses. Please contact the Town Hall for more information about the Historic District.
Where is the La Veta Historic District?
La Veta has a single Historic District that includes commercial and residential properties. The boundaries of the Historic District are defined in Title 19 of the La Veta Municipal Code. An informative map of the district is available here. Please contact the Town Hall if you require information about the boundaries of the Historic District, or the properties within these boundaries.
Who is the Mayor of La Veta? Who are the Town Board members?
Please check the Town Contacts page on this website to find the name and email address of each Town Board Member.
How is the Mayor selected? How are Town Board seats filled?
The Mayor and the Town Board Members – also known as Trustees – are elected at the regular Town election which is held every 2 years.
How can I contact/communicate with Town Board members?
Please check the Town Contacts page on this website to find the name and email address of each Town Board Member.
Who is the Town Clerk and what is her function?
Laurie Erwin, CMC is the La Veta Town Clerk. A Town Clerk is appointed to their post by the Town Board. The Town Clerk is a tremendous resource for the Town; she handles elections, board meeting preparations, interactions with residents, open records requests, and much more.
How do I obtain Town Board agendas and minutes?
Agendas and minutes for Town Board meetings can be downloaded here from this website. If the meeting date is not listed, (i.e. prior to August 2020) Agendas and/or minutes can be obtained by completing an Information Request form, available here
How can I review the Municipal Code?
The Municipal Code for the Town of La Veta is available here on this website
How can I obtain a copy of an Ordinance or Resolution?
Ordinance or Resolution information can be obtained by completing an Information Request form, available here on this website
Can I address the Town Board at their meetings?
The general public can submit an Agenda Request to speak before the Town Board meetings. The request must be submitted by 4 pm on the Thursday preceding the Board meeting. The Agenda Request can be found here on this website.
Who do I call about police-related non-emergencies?
The Marshal’s non-emergency phone number is 719-742-3344
How do I report downed electric lines or tree limbs lying on electric lines?
Damaged power lines can look relatively harmless, but don’t be fooled. They likely carry an electric current strong enough to cause serious injury or death. Call 911 immediately.
What is a Code Red Alert? How do I register to receive Code Red Alerts?
Code Red alerts are text notifications sent by the local response team(s) in the event of emergency situations. These are essential public communications during severe weather events, wildfire evacuation warnings, and potential flood warnings. Click here to register your name and cell phone number to receive Code Red alerts.
Is there a risk of flooding in the Town of La Veta?
The Spring Fire in 2018 caused extensive alterations to the Cucharas River watershed, resulting in significant increases in the likelihood and severity of flash flooding in the Town of La Veta. The Town has prepared an informative brochure to prepare citizens for this risk, available here
How do I report a pothole or concerns about street conditions?
Contact the Maintenance Department at La Veta Town Hall - 719-742-3655 - Monday-Friday, 8am – 12:00pm and 1:00pm- 4pm.
How do I report tree limbs lying on the road or covering signs?
Contact the Maintenance Department at La Veta Town Hall - 719-742-3655 - Monday-Friday, 8am – 12:00pm and 1:00pm- 4pm.
We want to go camping in the Spanish Peaks area…does the Town of La Veta have a campground?
No, La Veta does not have a campground in town. The following campgrounds are nearby:
- Lathrop State Park (Colorado’s first state park) is 14 miles from La Veta. It offers 1,594 acres of year round recreational enjoyment nestled in the shadow of the Spanish Peaks in Southern Colorado. Lathrop has 103 campsites and three group-camping areas. The campgrounds accommodate motor homes, trailers and tents, and offer either a basic or improved camping experience. The park’s two lakes offer a variety of boating and angling opportunities for all types of water recreation. Martin Lake offers water skiing, power and sail boating. Because Martin is a warm-water lake, it makes it great for swimmers. Horseshoe Lake is a peaceful haven for canoeists, kayakers, sailors and other boaters at wake-less speeds. Campsite reservations may be made by calling 1-800-244-5613 or by reserving online.
- Blue Lake Campground is a developed campground 19 miles from La Veta with both lake and stream fishing. Blue lake is approximately ½ mile from campground and tributaries of the Cuchara River run through campground. There are 12 camping sites, and the open season is from June 1 - Oct 12. Reservations for 1/2 of the sites can be made by phoning 877-444-6777 or reserve online at least 4 days in advance.
- Bear Lake Campground is a developed campground 20 miles from La Veta with both lake and stream fishing. Bear Lake is approximately ¼ mile from campground, and tributaries of the Cuchara River runs through campground. There are 14 camping sites, and the open season is from June 1 - Oct 12. Reservations for 1/2 of the sites can be made by phoning 877-444-6777 or reserve online at least 4 days in advance.
- Monument Lake is located in Weston, 28 miles from La Veta. This high-altitude lake is owned by the City of Trinidad. In 1937, the WPA built the resort which still is in operation. The resort includes a 20-room hotel, 13 cabins, RV and tent sites, a bath house, laundry, recreation room and a store. Monument Lake is open from mid-May to mid-September. Reservations can be made by phoning 719-868-2226, reserve online, or send them an email.
Does the Town of La Veta have an RV Park?
Yes, La Veta has three RV Parks:
- Circle The Wagons RV Park - 126 West 2nd Street - (719)742-3233 Online reservations can be booked from June 1 through October 11. There are 43 full hookup sites, 2 small campers for rent, 2 riverside tent sites, and a cabin for rent
- La Veta Pines RV Park - 226 W Grand Ave - (719) 742-3252 Open from May 1st to October 7th. There are 29 full hookup sites. Sites are for RV’s only- no cars or tents.
- Sammie’s RV Park 124 North Main Street - (719) 742-5435 Open year-round. There are 20 full hook-up sites and 12 motel rooms for rent
Does the Town of La Veta have facilities that the available to the public?
At this time, COVID-19 restrictions prevent the Town from making our facilities available to the community. Once the restrictions are lifted, reservations can be made for the following facilities:
- the La Veta Community Center at 131 East Ryus Avenue - equipped with a kitchen and space for approximately 100 people.
- La Veta Town Park on West Ryus Avenue - there is a children's play area and a covered pavilion. The pavilion area can be reserved for a private function, but the entire park is open to the public and cannot be reserved
How do I reserve a Town of La Veta facility?
At this time, COVID-19 restrictions prevent the Town from permitting events in our Town Park or Community Center. Once the restrictions are lifted, reservations can be made by completing the ‘Facilities Use’ form available here and submitting it – with any required deposit – to La Veta Town Hall. The form can be emailed to admin@townoflaveta-co.gov, sent by regular mail ( PO Box 174, La Veta, CO 81055) , or dropped off at Town Hall (209 S. Main Street). Town Hall administration will contact you upon receipt and confirm the reservation.
Please note: The La Veta Municipal Code prohibits alcohol consumption at these facilities at all times. No exceptions will be made.
Who do I call about my water or sewer service?
For non-emergency matters, contact La Veta Town Hall - 719-742-3631 - Monday-Friday, 8am – 12:30pm and 1:30pm- 5pm. For emergencies outside of business hours: call 719-738-5625
Does the La Veta provide trash removal service?
No, the Town does not provide trash removal service. All households and businesses are required to have trash removal service at least once a week, provided by a licensed trash hauler. At this time, La Veta is served by two companies:
- Mountain Disposal trash hauling 719-489-3456
- Waste Connections of Pueblo 719-948-0047
Who provides electric service to La Veta?
The Town is served by San Isabel Electric Association (SIEA). SIEA is a rural electric cooperative, serving nearly 19,000 members and 24,000 meters in all or parts of seven counties in Southern Colorado. They can be reached at (719) 547-2160. San Isabel Electric has a 24/7 Outage reporting phone number: (800) 279-7432
Is there natural gas available in La Veta?
No - natural gas is not available in La Veta. Residents commonly use propane for cooking and heating instead.
Who provides propane to La Veta?
The Town is served by the following propane suppliers:
- La Veta Propane - 132 W High St, La Veta - 719-742-3291 Furnishes propane to commercial, residential; motor homes & barbeque grill bottles, and delivers to residential and commercial accounts. Service manager on call. Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5 p.m.
- Rocky Mountain Propane Company - 111 West 7th Street, Walsenburg - 719-738-1141