
Town of La Veta Accessibility Statement

HB21-1110 was signed on June 30th 2021, this act made it a civil rights violation for a government agency to exclude people with disabilities from receiving services or benefits because of a lack of accessibility. Further bills provided further clarification and standards. As it stands government agencies have until July 1st 2024 to comply. A one-year grace period is granted to government agencies that show good faith efforts to comply with the bill. The Town of La Veta is committed to complying with HB21-1110 and ensuring the digital resources provided by the town are within accessibility standards and conform to Web Content Accessibility Guidelines v2.2 referred to as WCAG2.2. Unfortunately, the Town of La Veta will not be able to be within complete compliance with WCAG2.2 by July 1st 2024. The Town’s digital resources are intended to be within compliance by July 1st 2025 as described by the Town of La Veta’s Digital Accessibility Plan and granted by HB24-1454.

The Town of La Veta’s Digital Accessibility Plan outlines all things that have been done so far to provide accessibility as well as future goals and timelines. During the course of the timeline some digital resources provided by the Town of La Veta will experiences changes in order to bring them into accessibility guidelines. Meanwhile other digital resources may be removed or archived if they can not be changed to meet the guidelines. Please be patient with us during this time

If you have any grievances with the Town of La Veta’s current digital accessibility conformity or any grievances with the Town of La Veta’s Digital Accessibility Plan, please follow the information bellow to submit a grievance. Grievances needs to be in paper or digital form and must contain the following information:

  1. Date
  2. The full name of the person who is submitting the grievance or the name of the person the grievance is being submitted on behalf of.
  3. Address
  4. Phone
  5. Preferred method of contact
  6. Name of the digital resource causing the grievance
  7. Detailed description of the grievance

If paper or digital grievances are not possible for any reason accommodations can be made upon request. Even if an accommodation for submission is made the above information will still need to be recorded. All grievances submitted to the Town of La Veta will be treated as confidential and will not be publicly shared unless required by law.
To submit a grievance digitally please email it to To submit a grievance in paper form please mail it to:

Town of La Veta, Admin’s Office
209 S Main St PO Box 174
La Veta, CO, 81055

A member of the Town of La Veta workforce will contact the persons who submitted the grievance with 15 days of receiving it to discuss the problem in further detail and confirm the receival of the grievance. The Town of La Veta will then respond again within 30 days with a statement about the grievance.



Town of La Veta Digital Accessibility Plan


The Town of La Veta under bill HB21-1110 must ensure that their digital resources meet digital accessibility standards by July 1st 2024. Bill HB24-1454 gives the Town of La Veta immunity to liability until July 1st 2025 given that the Town has made good faith efforts towards meeting digital accessibility standards. Given unfortunate circumstances and the small work force of the Town of La Veta the Town’s Digital Accessibility Plan has been updated for the Town’s digital resources to meet standards before July 1st 2025.


The Town of La Veta has placed the Information Technology Administrator, referred to from now on as IT/Admin to be in charge of planning and revising the plan for the Town’s Digital Accessibility Plan. It is the IT/Admin’s responsibility to do the initial planning as well as update the plan in the event of new information or unforeseen circumstances. The IT/Admin is not an expert in the world accessibility and is informing their decisions based on best practices and the advice of experts.


Significant milestones mark progress on the project and represent progress towards a more accessible digital space for the Town of La Veta. Milestones will be updated and checked off as progress is made. Each milestone is given an estimated date for when it may be completed as well as a detailed description to know when the milestone has been completed.

Updated Standards

The Standards set forth and internal policy for the Town’s workforce relating to digital resources has been updated so that future digital resources are already accessible and do not need to be updated. Additionally, standards to check and audit new digital resources regularly have been put in place.
New Estimated Date: March 30th 2025


All members of staff handling and working with the Town’s digital resources have been updated on the new standards and received training and helpful resources to keep the Town’s digital resources accessible and compliant. Training and documentation resources for the tools the Town’s workforce will be using are in place with proper long-term proofing and schedules to review and update them at appropriate dates in the future have been put in place.
Completed On: August 20th 2024


The digital applications used by the Town for all services have been updated to be accessible and are compliant with standards. Documentation and resources have been created to ensure future applications and future updates to applications are accessible.
Completed On: January 20th 2025


All digital Documents hosted on the Town of La Veta’s website have been either updated to be accessible or archived in the case they can’t be updated to be accessible. Procedure has been put into place so that any achieved digital documentation requested by a persons can be updated to be accessible upon request. Documentation and resources have been created to ensure future digital documents are accessible.
New Estimated Date: April 30th 2025

Assessments and Audits

The Town of La Veta has completed all assessments of their digital assets and all digital assets have been Audited either manually or by automation if it is impossible or unreasonable to audit the item manually. The Town of La Veta has also ensured that all their 3rd party resources are accessibility audited and are compliant. Discussions with 3rd party resources that failed an audit have begun to ensure all digital resources shared by the town are accessible. Additionally, this information has been used to update plans, budgets, and intentions for accessibility so any problem can be addressed.
Completed On: November 14th 2024


The Town of La Veta’s main webpage and any webpage they own or link to as a 3rd party resource has been updated to be accessible and compliant. Any third-party resources that can’t be updated and compliant have been removed. Documentation, Training, and Resources have been put into place ensure future additions or future updates to the website will be compliant. The new version of the website has passed a manual audit.
Estimated Date: April 30th 2025


June 30th 2021 – HB21-1110 was passed and the Town of La Veta was informed.

May 12th 2022 – Deputy Clerk for the Town of La Veta finished a class on Accessibility.

May 22nd 2023 – A new IT/Admin was hired to handle many of the Towns technological issues including accessibility.

September 20th 2023 – IT/Admin attended the 2023 SIPA conference and learned more about the issues and challenges for accessibility.

December 13th 2023 – IT/Admin for the Town of La Veta finished a class on Accessibility.

January 25th 2024 – An Automated Audit was done on the towns website to gauge the size of the problem. As well as inventory of the content found on the website.

February 20th 2024 – Town of La Veta began meeting with experts in accessibility to be begin discussing the scale of the project 1 on 1.

May 7th 2024 – The Town of La Veta applied to a micro grant to gain access to CommonLook Suite to begin making their documents accessible.

May 14th 20224 – The Town of La Veta was rewarded access to a single license for CommonLook Suite and began training on how to use the software.

May 22 2024 – In a workshop with the town board a discussion on the plans for the towns accessibility was had.

May 24 2024 – The Town of La Veta applied to a SIPA grant to acquire funding for their accessibility plans.

June 10th 2024 – The Town of La Veta’s Accessibility plan was revised to include updated information, new decisions, and to be presentable to the public.

June 28th 2024 - The Town of La Veta’s Accessibility plan The Town of La Veta’s Accessibility Statement were made public.

July 30th 2024 – Estimated Date for Applications to be made Accessible and compliant.

August 30th 2024 – Estimated Date for new Standards to be created and documented.

September 30th 2024 - Estimated Date for Training to be completed by all relevant workforce.

October 30th 2024 – Estimated Date for all documents to be made Accessible and compliant.

December 15th 2024 – Estimated Date for all Assessments and Audits to be completed.

December 30th 2024 – Estimated Date for any updates to the plan now that Assessments and Audits are completed.

April 30th 2025 – Estimated Date for the Town of La Veta to receive its final updates making it fully accessible.

June 15th 2025 – Finale Quality check on all of the Town’s Digital Resources.

July 1st 2025 – End of liability immunity for all government entities.

September 30th 2025 – Accessibility check-in to ensure everything is still running smoothly.

December 30th 2025 – Accessibility check-in to ensure everything is still running smoothly.

February 28th 2026 - Accessibility check in to ensure everything is still running smoothly.

Website Accessibility Design Guidelines

This municipality makes every possible effort to make this website compliant with the American with Disabilities Act. If you have advice or comments on how we can improve this website’s accessibility for you or for other users who have disabilities, please do let us know.

This municipal website has been designed with the aim of providing accessibility to all users, including those with disabilities:

  • The fonts used throughout this website are standardized and are intended to be easily readable and legible across various devices.
  • The design of this site is intended to rely on text for navigational links (instead of graphics) in order to make the site readable by screen readers and other assistive technology
  • Our intention is to communicate to you and other site users mainly with textual content instead of relying on color.
  • Whenever possible, we have all images and hyperlinks with appropriate or descriptive “alt text” or alternative text to help
  • Our intention is to make this website compliant with American with Disabilities Act Section 508 so that it is accessible to all users.
  • We work to comply with Section 508 as well as as the WCAG 2.1 A and AA for accessibility standards.
  • Should you or anybody else have some difficulty or challenges accessing any part of this site, please contact us directly through this website, via email, through the mail, or call us on the telephone with your questions, concerns, advice, or comments. We will do our best to assist you!

If you use technology to assist with consuming content on this site, including a Braille reader, a screen reader, TTY (Text Telephone) or TDD (Telecommunication Device for the Deaf) and the format, layout, organization or style of any of the content or material on this website interferes or inhibits with your ability to access the information, please contact us. Alternatively, users who need accessibility assistance can contact us by phone through the Federal Information Relay Service at 1-800-877-8339 for TTY/Voice communication.

To help us serve you better, please include the following information when contacting us:

  • Describe the nature of your accessibility problem
  • What is the URL / web address where the information is located
  • What format would you prefer to receive the content or material provided to you
  • The best contact information for you

Web Browser Accessibility Tools

Nowadays the most popular browsers have accessibility built into it. Likewise the most popular mobile devices (specifically Android and iOS) have accessibility built into their operation systems. It could help you to look at the links below for assistance in optimizing and enhancing your user-experience should you have issues with accessibility:

Other Resources

  • This site will also contain PDF files, and therefore you may use Adobe Reader to view and print these PDFs. Adobe Reader is a free software program and is available across most popular platforms, devices and operating systems. You can visit the Adobe website to download the software.
  • Should you wish to read any PDF documents with a screen reader, please visit the Adobe Reader Accessibility website and look at the information underneath the section labeled “Accessibility resources” which has helpful information.
  • Web Content Accessibility Guidelines can also be accessed online